Bundling, Kitting, Branding & Packing

At Grandé Ship, we offer a comprehensive suite of 3PL services designed to streamline your business operations and enhance your customer experience. One of our key services is bundling. Bundling is the process of grouping together multiple products into a single package, which can be particularly beneficial for subscription businesses. By bundling orders, we can help subscription businesses deliver a curated selection of products to their customers on a regular basis. This not only simplifies the order fulfillment process but also provides an opportunity to upsell products, thereby boosting sales. Moreover, bundling can be a valuable strategy for promotional campaigns or seasonal sales, where multiple products are offered together at a discounted price.

In addition to bundling, we also offer a kitting service. Kitting involves assembling individual items into ready-to-ship kits, which can be a game-changer for businesses selling multi-component products or sets. Our kitting service can help reduce shipping costs, simplify inventory management, and improve order processing efficiency. Furthermore, kitting can enhance the unboxing experience for your customers, thereby fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.

At Grandé Ship, we understand that branding is a crucial aspect of your business identity. That's why we offer a branding service that includes printing custom stickers, thank you cards, coupon cards, and thank you letter envelopes. All branding customizations must be provided by the client. Clients must have a minimum sale of 1000 orders per month to be eligible for this service. Our branding service can help reinforce your brand identity, create a memorable unboxing experience for your customers, and encourage repeat purchases through the inclusion of coupon cards.

Lastly, we take great pride in our packing service. Our team is committed to packing orders neatly and cleanly, ensuring that your products reach your customers in perfect condition. A well-packed order not only protects the product during transit but also conveys professionalism and attention to detail. At Grandé Ship, we believe that our meticulous approach to packing is not just a service, but a testament to our expertise and commitment to excellence. Choose Grandé Ship for your 3PL needs, and let us help you take your business to new heights.